IELTS Skills - Free provides sample content from each IELTS Skills app. Reading, listening, writing and speaking skills are all represented in the sample content. Each IELTS Skill is available as a separate app:
► IELTS Skills - Reading ► IELTS Skills - Listening ► IELTS Skills - Speaking ► IELTS Skills - Writing
All four skills are also available together in a single app - IELTS Skills.
The IELTS Skills apps provide exam practice exercises and interactive tasks to help you develop the skills you will need to do well at IELTS.
► Written by Sam McCarter the author of the best selling Ready for IELTS and Tips for IELTS . ► A wide range of innovative and interactive exercises that help you work on the essential skills needed for the IELTS exam. ► Each skill is explained andcomes with examples and an interactive exercise. ► Practise answering a full range of question types that you can expect to find in the IELTS exam. ► A detailed overview of the exam. ► Score yourself on the interactive Can Do statement section.